Valentine Constellation

Happy Valentine’s Day!  

We are so grateful to have you in our constellation of support. 💫

Thank you for all you do on behalf of families navigating a parent or guardian’s cancer diagnosis. 🧡❤️🧡

You may have received a Bright Spot Network postcard in the mail and, if you did, your postcard doubles as a fun activity!  

This is a simple activity that you can do at night before bed or simply snuggle in close with your kids in a dark room. Follow the directions below! 

  • Using a pin or the tip of a pen/pencil, poke out the holes on the heart design. (You may need to make bigger holes that you expect!)

  • Find a dark room and get a flashlight or use the flashlight app on your phone!

  • Project the flashlight through the heart.  

    • What do you see? Experiment with the flashlight close and far from the postcard. What changes?

    • Continue the conversation and ask your child:  

      • What brightens up your dark days?

      •  A constellation of stars connects individual stars to make one large image. Who are the people in your life who make up your heart constellation? How do they shine for you? 

      • If your family made up a constellation, what might the image be (other than a heart?)

If you want to take this activity a step further you can:

  • Take your child outside to look at the stars.  Have them show you what they see.  Can they connect the “dots” and find shapes, animals, or faces in the night sky? 

  • Watch The Darkest Dark,  Discovering the Stars, or The Zoo in the Sky  (read-aloud books!) to enjoy more about stars, constellations, and the feelings we have about light and dark.

  • Learn more about making a constellation telescope from household items!

Have fun and let us know what you and your kids discover! 


Brave Like Mom: Finding Strength in Words


Art Therapy Projects: Using Nature to Create Calm and Connection